Sunday, June 12, 2011

Salty Water Taffy Experiment Concluded

June 11- The syrup hardened. Occasional ant patrol . Ants are walking over the surface now . By early evening , many ants working on dike . Weather must be changing as I have learned previously in this experiment .

June12- Heavy rains overnight . Just a puddle of water left and loose sand ridge that was a dike . Patrol ants are out to inspect . The salt water taffy disappeared as quickly as it appeared . Poof!

June 12- 7:00pm- The wind has dried up the water and blown away the sand . Just a small stain remains which I am sure will fade with time .

  • It has taken 9 days to complete this experiment with no human interference , and that includes help.
  • The experiment meant humans had to adjust to interferences in their lives to accommodate , observe , discuss and resolve . This was not always easy .
  • Without assistance , the stain may stay for a considerable time . Witness cave paintings from prehistoric times . The oils from the taffy have penetrated the stone . They will not leave easily .
  • Now that I know how long it can take for something to disappear from view (relatively speaking) , I will deal with it immediately rather than wait for someone else to make amends /take responsibility . Ego is not the issue . A clean and welcoming front step is .

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