Sunday, January 22, 2012

Blogging Tips From a Blogger and Writer

I have been following one particular blog for a year now

Back then she had posted about things she had learned about blogging for one year. Now she is back with a second post after two years at it. Twelve more great tips that will help any blogger , including you.  As well as sharing her everyday life with readers , blogging and raising young children , this woman has written a book which is in its last moments before publication. She has a common sense way of approaching things , or  perhaps realistic is more the word I am looking for.

Take a quick look. It's worth your while.

Life In A Pink Fibro

1 comment:

  1. Hi...I just came over for a look after reading a review about your blog on nature centre magazine. I haven't read through it all yet but I will be back to read some more soon as I really enjoyed what I've read so far!!
